Hearing Aid Fitting

People having this very problem find it really embarrassing when they go out in some public places. As when they speak out they cannot pronounce words correctly. This problem is something similar when people try to learn new language and cannot utter some words clearly. For this very inability, Decibel has developed some exercises and with the help of which the person with the problem of speaking incorrectly can be helped to speak clearly and smoothly.

Adjusting to hearing aids takes times

Once the hearing aids are out of the box and in your ears, you’ll start hearing lots of things you haven’t heard for years. In fact, you might feel like everything is too loud at first. It will take time for your brain to relearn which sounds to ignore, like the sound of your own footsteps or the rustle of your clothing. But don’t worry—your hearing care professional will do some tests to make sure that the hearing aid is set appropriately for your hearing loss. You will also be counseled on how to change the battery, use any features, clean and take care of your hearing aid. Here’s more on understanding the various parts of a hearing aid. Adjusting to hearing aids takes time. Some people only need a day or two but most people need a few weeks to a few months to adjust to using hearing aids. The important thing to remember is to wear them, even if just for a few hours the first day, an hour longer the following day, and so on until you are wearing hearing aids all day.

Adding custom hearing aid settings

The “default” setting for most hearing aids is focused on picking up speech in quiet environments. But out in the real world, sound is a lot more complex, particularly if you’re a musician or work in a noisy environment. Fortunately, your hearing care provider can add custom hearing aid settings for you, including music settings.
Successful hearing aid fittings are as individual as you are. The right hearing care provider will take the time to understand your specific needs and tailor an approach that will get the best results. Use our consumer-reviewed directory to find providers and hearing aids near you.
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